Lake Roland is a popular destination for the students of Bryn Mawr. With its networks of trails and beautiful scenery, Lake Roland provides an ideal place to hang out with friends, go for a jog, or stage a photoshoot for the 'gram. However, there is more to this destination than meets the naked eye. Lake Roland possess a long and storied history unknown to many visitors.
In the 18th century, a parcel of land was given to Maryland families by the Lord Baltimore. At the time, the position of Lord Baltimore was occupied by Charles Calvert, the third Baron Baltimore. Calvert was a member of the Roman Catholic faith, continuing the tradition laid out by his predecessors. However, following the Glorious Revolution, Catholicism within England was no longer tolerated. As such, Calvert had the colony of Baltimore stripped from him, although it was restored to his son after his conversion to Protestantism.
Regardless, Lake Roland remained within Marylanders' possessions, undeveloped. It was only in 1850 that the reservoir now termed Lake Roland was developed to provide water for the expanding City of Baltimore. Previously, the land was occupied by two businesses, the Bellona Gunpowder Mill and the Eagle Factory, which produced textiles. Named for the Roman goddess of war, the Bellona Gunpowder Mill was a key contributor to Baltimore's victory in the War of 1812. The gunpowder produced there provided fuel for the infamous "bombs bursting in air". However many enemy lives the mill may have helped to take, it was a major source of friendly fire as well. The mill exploded several times. In 1817, five lives were lost, in 1820, another three lives, 1846, five lives, 1848, two lives, and the list continues. The Eagle Factory seems innocuous in comparison, albeit mysterious. The exact location of the former factory has never been determined, and no known map shows its location. Like Brigadoon, Eagle Factory seems to have vanished into thin air with the passing of time.
At least 50 acres were cleared to produce the dam. Building it proved difficult, as soil erosion seriously impeded the process. Sediment and runoff contaminated the water, and officials posited that the mesh used to trap particles was not large enough to stop the spread of disease. This idea was supported by an outbreak of typhus, which led many residents to dig their own wells. Various improvements continued, as the lake and connecting dams expanded from 1858 to present day. In 1862, the lake was christened "Swan Lake"; however, a decade later, the lake had returned to its present-day name, Lake Roland.
At the time, Lake Roland's dam was a major feat of engineering. Several newspapers ran features describing the dam and including pictures of the earthworks. However, in 1915, a leak was discovered in a major water line. This leak signified the end of Lake Roland's time as a water supply for the city. The land was soon given a different purpose: recreation. Reborn as a park, Lake Roland and its surrounding area was christened the "Robert. E Lee Park". This name remained until 2016, when the park returned to its status as Lake Roland.
Lake Roland also housed a part of the Northern Central Railway (NCR). While now a majority of the NCR is defunct, areas around Baltimore are still utilized; near Lake Roland, this old railway is used for the modern lightrail system.
The next time that you pay a visit to Lake Roland, bring a sense of its history with you. As you wander through the trees, think about the untamed swath of wilderness giving way to construction and finally being molded into the park that we know and love today. Bring a sense of this complexity with you- and perhaps your next hike or adventure in Lake Roland will become that much more fulfilling.