500 million plastic straws are used every day in the United States alone. If we continue our current rate of straw consumption, there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean by 2050. Of course, other forms of plastic are contributing to ocean waste as well; however, America's copious consumption of straws has led to straws being one of the most common forms of plastic polluting our ocean.
Most straws are not recyclable for a variety of reasons. Depending on the recycling center, some straws are formed out of plastics that are not recyclable. Machines at recycling centers are also often not adept enough to pick and recycle straws out of the debris of various recycling materials; their size is simply too small.
Because of these negative environmental impacts, campaigns have begun around the United States to convince people to stop using single-use, disposable plastic straws. Instead, consumers are encouraged to begin using their own reusable straws, or skip a straw altogether. There are alternative options, including recyclable paper straws, reusable glass straws, and more. These options not only help you to be a more responsible consumer-- they also look really schnazzy!
The video below shows the experiences of 100 people who gave up straws for a week. See for yourself-- it's not as hard as you might think!
Next time you go to Starbucks, or another restaurant, consider asking for NO STRAW. Be the change- help the environment!
https://www.bunzlcatering.co.uk/responsible-disposal-single-use-drinking-straws/ https://www.popsci.com/plastic-recycling-straw-ban